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* * * TEASERFADE IN: INT. MESS HALL Several N.D. crewmen are staring out windows. An unknown Ensign ENTERS and is greeted by NEELIX. NEELIX Hello, Ensign. Here for refreshments or for the view? ENSIGN The view this time, but I'll take a cup of sweedock tea if you have a moment. NEELIX Not a problem. One sweedock tea coming right up. Before Neelix strolls to the kitchen, he looks out a window and seems mesmerized. NEELIX Beautiful. EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) Voyager orbits a dying, violent yellow sun. Numerous sunspots, surge and loop prominences are visible. * * * INT. MAINVIEWER (OPTICAL)JANEWAY, CHAKOTAY and TUVOK are in their familiar positions along with other N. D. personnel. The mainviewer is filled with the image of the sun. CHAKOTAY Quite a sight. We don't often encounter a yellow star so unstable. JANEWAY To think, the next time Federation ships visit this sector, they may a see a red giant instead of this yellow sun. CHAKOTAY Thanks to the deployment of probes, the Delta Flyer and Voyager, we've already gathered enough data to keep Star Fleet scientists occupied for years. I'd say they'd be quite pleased with us. The Bridge SHUDDERS slightly. After a quiet pause, another small shockwave SHAKES the Bridge. CHAKOTAY Feels like our friend is building up for another eruptive flare. TUVOK The last solar flare measured 389,000 kilometers above the sun's photosphere. These readings indicate the next flare will be even stronger. I advise caution. JANEWAY It wouldn't hurt to give ourselves some extra breathing room. Helm, back us off another 10,000 kilometers, one-half impulse power. HELMSMAN Aye, Captain. CHAKOTAY What about it, Delta Flyer, how hot do you like it? EXT. SPACE - (OPTICAL) The Delta Flyer orbits the sun on the opposite side of Voyager. INT. DELTA FLYER KIM, TORRES, SEVEN OF NINE and PARIS are engaged at their stations. A quick shockwave ROCKS the craft. PARIS Oh, I like it hot, Voyager, but I suppose moving off another 10,000 kilometers won't affect my suntan too much. Paris makes the necessary course adjustments. TORRES These readings indicate a tremendous build-up of pressure somewhere on the sun, but I can't isolate the location. What's going on down there? INT. BRIDGE A vicious shockwave ROCKS the Bridge, temporarily causing power to fluctuate. JANEWAY I didn't like the sound of that. CHAKOTAY Perhaps we've worn out our welcome here. Should we call it quits? JANEWAY Agreed. Delta Flyer, prepare for departure. EXT. SPACE - SUN (OPTICAL) A massive eruptive prominence explodes outward from the sun at an amazing speed. INT. BRIDGE The Bridge is SHOOK by a powerful shockwave that again dims power and tosses crewmen around. The Helmsman hits his(her) head hard off the companel. JANEWAY Times up. Helmsman, full impulse power. Get us out of here. The Helmsman is hunched over, head clearly bleeding. HELMSMAN (dazed) Captain...? Janeway, realizing what has happened, moves towards the Helm. Another violent shockwave IMPACTS the Bridge, causing Janeway to fall. She recovers and makes it to the controls. JANEWAY Prepare for emergency warp! CHAKOTAY Too late! EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) Voyager is hit head on by a blast of energy from the sun's discharge and is pushed along on its port side. INT. MESS HALL The crewmen in the Mess Hall are thrown to the ground violently. Neelix is tossed over a table. INT. BRIDGE Most of the crew is off their feet as the Bridge continues to SHUDDER. Janeway, on her knees, uses all her strength to hold on to the Helm controls. CHAKOTAY Emergency power... to shields... Chakotay drops out of his chair and doubles over in intense pain. Other crewmen are suffering as well. COMPUTER Warning. Lethal radiation levels in twenty-five seconds. JANEWAY Computer, autopilot mode! COMPUTER Warp and impulse engines are offline. Warning. Lethal radiation levels in twenty seconds. Janeway taps her comm badge and collapses in agony. JANEWAY Janeway to anyone aboard Voyager. Save this ship by any means Necessary... that's... an order... The Bridge crew fall into unconsciousness. INT. DELTA FLYER (OPTICAL) Kim, Seven of Nine and Paris are at their stations. Oddly, Tuvok has replaced Torres. TUVOK A massive solar flare has struck Voyager, causing... An intense white light FLASHES inside the Delta Flyer as the four disappear. INT. BRIDGE Kim, Tuvok, Seven of Nine and Paris are now standing on the silent Bridge of Voyager. Shocked, they slowly glance around. The Bridge crew appears to be dead. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. BRIDGE Except for Paris, Tuvok, Kim and Seven of Nine, there is no movement or sound aboard the Bridge. PARIS Excuse me, weren't we just on the Delta Flyer? SEVEN OF NINE Yes, we were... Paris kneels to examine the unmoving Janeway. KIM Are they... dead? PARIS It's hard to say, but judging by these burns I'd say they're all suffering from severe radiation sickness. Paris moves towards Tactical to examine other crewmen. KIM Look at the mainviewer. INT. MAINVIEWER (OPTICAL) The mainviewer is filled with an image of the incredible solar energy blast that has struck Voyager. The image does not move, as if it were a snapshot. SEVEN OF NINE It is the emission of solar energy which has impacted with Voyager. We seem to be frozen in time. Tuvok examines a nearby companel. TUVOK Not entirely correct. According to the ships' chronometer, point zero two seconds has elapsed since we reboarded Voyager. PARIS Two one-hundredth of a second? Gee, time flies when you're having fun. KIM Who transported us here? How can time have been affected by Voyager coming in contact with a wave of solar energy? Why aren't we affected by the radiation like the rest of the crew is? This is scientifically impossible. SEVEN OF NINE Our appearance here seems to prove otherwise, Ensign. TUVOK You raise many worthy questions, Mr. Kim. I believe a thorough examination of the ship may aid our quest for answers. Paris is stunned by something he has seen by Tactical. PARIS I know we have enough imponderable questions already, but take a look over here. Paris leads the others to the Tactical. There, unconscious in the shadows of the floor is another Tuvok. PARIS Will the real Mr. Tuvok please stand up? Tuvok leans over to examine his duplicate. TUVOK Fascinating. PARIS I hope you have more to add than that, because now that I think about it, wasn't B'Elanna on the Delta Flyer instead of you? TUVOK (reflects for a beat) I distinctly recall being on the Delta Flyer a moment ago. PARIS (examines companel) According to the ship's log, B'Elanna was aboard the Delta Flyer... not you. KIM You're not really Tuvok, are you? Are you responsible for our transportation here and for this time slowdown? TUVOK I am Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. PARIS The hell you are! Then who's that on the ground? TUVOK I am unable to answer your questions. All I can clearly state is that I am Tuvok. Paris grabs Tuvok by his uniform. PARIS What have you done with B'Elanna? You tell us or so help me... TUVOK (with authority) Ensign, control yourself. I am as much at a loss to explain our situation as you. SEVEN OF NINE I believe him. Paris releases Tuvok and turns to Seven of Nine. PARIS You do? KIM So do I. PARIS Are you both nuts? SEVEN OF NINE I am in complete control of my mental faculties, Mr. Paris. That is why I believe Tuvok. KIM Tom, if there's some... entity behind all this, why would it be so sloppy as to disguise itself as Tuvok and not remove the real one? SEVEN OF NINE Perhaps we were meant to see this incapacitated Tuvok. It may be a clue as to our purpose on Voyager. TUVOK Our purpose is clear. We must find a way to rescue Voyager. KIM Where do we even begin? We must revive the rest of the crew soon. They certainly can't last much longer with all the radiation flooding the ship. TUVOK Our first order of business is to search Voyager for further... anomalies. When more facts have been gathered, we can chart a better course of action to follow. KIM We seem to have the ability to retrieve computer data. Perhaps we can still activate the Doctor. TUVOK Mr. Kim, complete an examination of the Bridge and meet us at Sickbay in thirty minutes. SEVEN OF NINE And the destination for the rest of us? TUVOK I shall investigate Main Engineering. Seven, review all data available at Astrometrics and Mr. Paris... Paris moves past Tuvok and heads to the Turbolift. PARIS Mr. Paris will be searching for B'Elanna. I'll start in the Shuttlebay. Tuvok cuts in front of Paris to impede his progress. TUVOK Your concern for Lieutenant Torres is noted. There is, however, much more at stake here than the life of one person. Paris moves past Tuvok and makes his way into the Turbolift. PARIS Just so there's no mystery about my feelings, I don't trust you, Tuvok. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try to find B'Elanna. I'll meet the rest of you at Sickbay. Paris EXITS. Tuvok reacts. INT. SHUTTLEBAY Paris ENTERS and begins to check the main Shuttlebay computer. No one else is around. There is no sign of the Delta Flyer as well. INT. ASTROMETRICS Seven of Nine looks over data in Astrometrics. She stops for a moment to look around, as if she heard or saw something. A beat later, she continues to work on the computer. INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Tuvok ENTERS, being careful to avoid fallen and still crewmembers. Looking around, Engineering appears to be heavily damaged. Steam and other gases, frozen in mid-air, spew from several areas. Tuvok examines a companel. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE SICKBAY As Kim and Seven of Nine approach Sickbay from one end, Tuvok comes from the other side. A moment after they meet, they are joined by Paris. Kim turns to Paris. KIM Any sign of B'Elanna? PARIS (disappointed) According to the computer, the Delta Flyer and B'Elanna are not aboard Voyager. I tried to hail her and scan for the Delta Flyer but came up empty. She's... gone. KIM Not to make you feel worse, but after examining the Bridge I estimate that if normal time were to continue... the crew would die from radiation poisoning in eleven seconds. Three seconds later, Voyager's shields will collapse and the ship would be destroyed next. TUVOK It gets worse. We have minimal use of thrusters but both warp and impulse engines suffered extreme damage. It will take approximately fifty two hours to repair propulsion to a point where Voyager could escape the energy blast. PARIS But we're at a slowed rate of time. Maybe the four of us can expedite the repairs. TUVOK Even with decelerated time, my calculations show we could not repair the engines before Voyager would be destroyed. KIM (to Seven) I hope at least you have something upbeat to report. SEVEN OF NINE (seemingly disturbed) I have nothing of value to add, except I heard... a sound. KIM There is something else. The crew stares at Kim. Kim seems reluctant to speak. KIM I looked at the Bridge log before we arrived. Before she collapsed, Captain Janeway issued one last order: for someone to save Voyager by any means necessary. SEVEN OF NINE Someone or something has responded to her command. What we are experiencing cannot be a natural phenomenon. PARIS Another anomaly? I don't know how many more I can take. Well, let's see if Doc is home. INT. SICKBAY The crew ENTERS the darkened Sickbay and cautiously begins to search. KIM Activate the Emergency Medical Hologram. Nothing happens. PARIS Hey Doc, where are you? Seven looks into the Sickbay office and stops in her tracks. Something she sees has caught her off-guard. SEVEN OF NINE I have located the Doctor. The others join Seven. They are equally surprised. INT. SICKBAY OFFICE (OPTICAL) THE DOCTOR is frozen in place. He has just placed a container on the desk and is gazing at his other arm. The arm seems to be disintegrating. Kim examines the Doctor first and activates a nearby companel. KIM The Doctor was already activated during the solar flare up, working on biocultures. SEVEN OF NINE The EMH appears to be is losing cohesion. Why? KIM As far as I can guess, the holographic emitters are being corrupted by intense radioactive bombardment. The Doctors' program is running through the emitters and is being polluted by the radiation as well. If normal time was to resume now... Kim runs calculations on the companel. KIM (lowers head, continues) If normal time was to resume his program would be totally destroyed in six seconds. PARIS This is not good. TUVOK Mr. Paris, you have received training from the Doctor in the past. Logically, the task of reviving the crew must fall upon you. PARIS I don't think my limited medical knowledge is good enough to save the entire crew! The only one who might be able to help is the Doctor. We need him activated now. DOCTOR (O. S.) Please state the nature of the medical emergency. The Doctor emerges from the shadows outside the Sickbay office. Kim, Paris, Seven of Nine and Tuvok can clearly see there is another Doctor frozen in place in the Sickbay office. Off their reaction. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. SICKBAY Kim, Paris, Seven of Nine and Tuvok move from the Sickbay office and approach the Doctor, who has just appeared from nowhere. DOCTOR Mr. Paris? Paris is dumfounded. DOCTOR Mr. Paris, you called for me. What is the nature of the medical emergency? PARIS I'd say this time the medical emergency is you. Paris points to the Sickbay office. The Doctor is aghast. INT. SICKBAY OFFICE (OPTICAL) The Doctor walks sheepishly up to the frozen likeness of himself. DOCTOR This is not possible... what is going on here? KIM Doc, can you explain any of this? The Doctor keeps his eyes glued to the likeness of himself. DOCTOR I am a doctor, Mr. Kim, not a spiritualist. Out-of-body experiences are beyond the realm of my programming. The Doctor finally gets the strength to look away from the frozen image. TUVOK You are the Doctor, are you not? DOCTOR Of course I am! This other Doctor must be a trick of some kind. Tuvok reflects deeply. TUVOK I may have a theory. The others quickly crowd around. KIM Let's hear it! TUVOK I have no logic to support my thoughts, Mr. Kim. Until I do, it would be unwise of me to discuss... PARIS Come on, Tuvok! If you can explain any of this, then tell us. TUVOK Very well, but you may not like what I have to say. PARIS I don't like anything about this whole scenario! At least you'll be consistent. TUVOK I see a pattern developing. There is an entity, a force behind all that is happening to us. This force seems to be giving us only the minimum personnel needed rescue Voyager. PARIS That can't be right. B'Elanna is not here and we most certainly need her to repair the engines. TUVOK As I previously stated, the engines cannot be repaired in time. Therefore, Lieutenant Torres is not needed. PARIS We're caught in a huge energy surge! Of course we need the engines to escape! TUVOK Perhaps... but I must note that some thrusters are still operational. PARIS Thrusters? They can't possibly help us! SEVEN OF NINE Then there must be another way. PARIS Another way to escape a force of energy thousands of kilometers long? Without engines? TUVOK And yet it must be done, or Voyager will be destroyed. PARIS (angered) Don't you think I know that... The Doctor barges between Tuvok and Paris. DOCTOR Pardon me, but can we back up for a moment? You mentioned a force possibly manipulating us... what force? PARIS God. Q. The tooth fairy. We don't know Doc, take your pick. DOCTOR Mr. Paris, this is no time for juvenile antics, not while I'm... disintegrating just a few meters away. We must pool our talents if we are to survive. SEVEN OF NINE (to Tuvok) If Lieutenant Torres is not needed, why are the rest of us here? TUVOK We each have a specific task to perform. The Doctor is here to cure the crew. Ensign Kim, an expert with holographic technology is certainly meant to save the Doctor. Since no one knows this ship's navigational capacities like Mr. Paris, it is his responsibility to clear Voyager out of the energy surge. Seven of Nine turns to Tuvok. SEVEN OF NINE And our tasks? TUVOK Of yours, I am uncertain. I believe I am needed at Tactical. Tactical, although damaged, is still operational while the engines are not. That is why I was switched on the Delta Flyer with Torres. KIM How is Tactical going to help us? You certainly can't use weapons to help us... can you? Tuvok walks towards the Sickbay doors to leave. TUVOK I do not know... yet. Mr. Paris, meet me on the Bridge when you are finished here. Tuvok EXITS. Paris leans against a companel, confused. PARIS I can't think of a thing to do. I feel so useless. KIM (slaps Paris on the back) Come on, Tom. Have some faith in yourself. You can do this! PARIS I don't even know how to start. KIM It's like all the other challenges we've faced. You need to dive right into this problem and you'll think of something. PARIS Dive right in, huh? I'm more likely to sink, not swim. Paris suddenly gains a look of confidence. PARIS (smiling, continuing) No, I don't need to dive into this situation, I need to surf! An excited Paris EXITS, leaving Kim bewildered. KIM Poor Tom. He's finally lost it. DOCTOR Ensign, the mental health of Tom Paris is not your immediate problem... I am. KIM You mean what Tuvok said about me helping you? I hate to be blunt, Doctor, but he's wrong. I can't save your program. DOCTOR (alarmed) And why not? INT. SICKBAY OFFICE (OPTICAL) Kim walks back to view the dissolving image of the Doctor. The other Doctor reluctantly trails behind. KIM Doc, you're already dispersing from radioactive contamination. DOCTOR Wouldn't shutting down my program end the problem? KIM It would take much more than that. Your program is so polluted that it would immediately have to go through a defragmentation and reinitializing phase to regenerate the damage. DOCTOR My program has built in safeties that would automatically repair itself. KIM Sure, but even if you shut down right now Voyager is still trapped in this energy flow. Its radiation will continue to flood the ship, and that radiation will interfere with your programs ability to regenerate itself. DOCTOR So that's it? You're giving up? KIM No... you never gave up on me when I needed you. Listen Doc, I can't promise any results, but I'll see what I can do. DOCTOR (grateful) Thank you, Mr. Kim. I'm sure you'll do your best. Kim walks to a back companel and begins calculations. The Doctor takes one more look at his image and moves out of the office. The Doctor almost runs into Seven of Nine on his hasty retreat from the Sickbay office. SEVEN OF NINE You have a disturbed look to your face when you see the other image of yourself. Explain. DOCTOR Are you blind? I'm dying in there and there's nothing I can do about it. Seeing it up-close... with my own eyes... it's like somebody just walked on my grave. SEVEN OF NINE You will have no grave in all likelihood, Doctor. You are a hologram. Even if you did... DOCTOR (annoyed) It's an expression, Seven. SEVEN OF NINE I see. Seven of Nine stares at the Doctor. DOCTOR Seven, is there something I can help you with? SEVEN OF NINE Actually, the opposite applies. I believe my task is to aid you. DOCTOR You help me? SEVEN OF NINE I don't know why, but I'm certain you will need my assistance with the treatment of the crew. DOCTOR Yes, the crew. Let's see what their condition is. The Doctor and Seven of Nine move to a companel where the Doctor begins to operate it. The Doctor turns to Seven Nine in disbelief. DOCTOR This is terrible! The Doctors fumbles through some medical instruments till he grabs a portable medical scanner. DOCTOR I need to see one of the afflicted crewmen personally. Come with me. INT. HALLWAY The Doctor (wearing his mobile emitter) and Seven of Nine walk through a dark hallway until they find an unconscious crewman on the floor. The Doctor scans the victim. DOCTOR This is worse than I thought. The entire crew is about to die from radiation poisoning seconds after normal time is restored! SEVEN OF NINE You must cure them. DOCTOR Easy for you to say. If we can't escape the energy blast we're caught in quickly, then there's nothing I can do. SEVEN OF NINE You must assume that Tuvok and Mr. Paris will find an expedient way to remove us from the energy wave. DOCTOR Even if they did, I'd have only seconds to save the entire ship! It's ludicrous to think I can save some 140 individuals in two or three seconds. I can't be at more than one place at a time... Seven of Nine begins to open her mouth and point towards the Sickbay, but the Doctor interrupts her. DOCTOR (continuing) I can't be in 140 places at once. SEVEN OF NINE Then use environmental controls to flood the ship with hyronalin. DOCTOR It's not that easy. Voyager has crew members aboard that will violently react to hyronalin. I know for certain that Talaxians die from hyronalin exposure. SEVEN OF NINE A percentage of the crew may need to be lost to revive the majority. DOCTOR Unacceptable! We must start out by thinking how to save one hundred percent of the crew. SEVEN OF NINE It may not be possible. DOCTOR (has an idea) Seven, I know what your task is. SEVEN OF NINE You wish for me to devise a plan to save the entire crew, all at one time? DOCTOR Yes. I will come up with an individual treatment for each crewmen and you will find a way to deliver it to them all at once. SEVEN OF NINE Very well. DOCTOR Then we're partners? The Doctor extends his open hand. Seven of Nine hesitates for a moment but soon shakes the Doctors hand. SEVEN OF NINE Partners. The Doctor hands his medical scanner to Seven of Nine as the two begin to walk away. As the two move away from the crewman, he (she) begins to PHASE out of place, like he(she) is about to disappear. This phenomenon goes unnoticed by the Doctor and Seven of Nine as they have their backs to the crewman. DOCTOR First, we'll have to scan every single person aboard Voyager, then... SEVEN OF NINE (interrupting) Doctor, did you hear a noise? DOCTOR No... did you? SEVEN OF NINE It is... nothing. Please continue with your strategy. As the two walk on, the crewman PHASES out of sync more before reverting to normal. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. MESS HALL The Mess Hall doors open and Seven of Nine ENTERS. She looks over the darkened room. Like elsewhere, the crew are frozen in place, their bodies locked in pain. She approaches Neelix, who is on his knees with arms gripping his sides in agony. After scanning the sight, Seven of Nine moves towards another crewman, leaving Neelix behind. INT. BRIDGE Tuvok and Paris are busy working at separate companels. The Doctor ENTERS via the Turbolift, armed with a medical scanner and wearing his mobile emitter. TUVOK May we be of service to you? DOCTOR No thank you. Seven and I are scanning every crew member to determine the optimal treatment for each person. I know you're busy so I won't be but a moment here. PARIS Actually, you're just in time to hear my big announcement. TUVOK I take it you have found a way to remove Voyager from harms way without propulsion? PARIS (triumphantly) I have. DOCTOR This ought to prove interesting. Tuvok and the Doctor give Paris their full attention. PARIS Tuvok, are you familiar with surfing? TUVOK If you are referring to the water sport involving controlled planing on the sloping section of a wave as it moves towards shore, yes I am. I have surfed the silver waters of Tedus-Torn Prime, for example. DOCTOR (to Tuvok) You never mentioned surfing before. That seems more like something Mr. Paris would do. PARIS (surprised) Tuvok, I surfed on Tedus-Torn Prime. The trip was a birthday present to me. TUVOK (confused) It was one of the few enjoyable present you ever received from your father, correct? PARIS That's right. TUVOK I possess that memory as well. DOCTOR Tuvok, you're not gaining some mental link to Mr. Paris, are you? TUVOK I certainly hope not. PARIS Let's... figure out how you acquired my memory later. Right now, look at the mainviewer. INT. MAINVIEWER (OPTICAL) A complete image of the energy blast fills the screen. A small image of Voyager indicates the location of the ship in comparison to the huge energy wave. PARIS To be a successful surfer, you need to understand the ocean. Many people look at the ocean and view it as one solid mass of water. Yet, it isn't. An ocean is filled with waves, whirlpools, eddies and currents that twist and pull the water in all directions. TUVOK You are about to compare the energy blast of the solar flare to an ocean. It looks like a unified object, but it too is laced with numerous waves and currents. PARIS That's right! TUVOK Ingenious. You propose to "surf" Voyager out of the energy blast on a single thermal wave. PARIS Look at the viewscreen again. INT MAINVIEWER (OPTICAL) The image of the energy blast is altered. It now shows the wave is composed of hundreds of bands of energy, all of them twisted together but flowing in numerous directions. The area where Voyager is located is enlarged. Paris walks up to point out his plan. PARIS Here you have the location of Voyager on the energy blast. If we can get Voyager to this thermal wave... (points to a thermal wave up and to the right of Voyager) ...we could "surf" the ship out in less than five seconds. DOCTOR Mr. Paris, wouldn't riding that thermal wave require inputted thruster adjustments in a blink of an eye? One mistake, and the ship would be ripped to shreds. Even you could not be that precise. PARIS You're right, I couldn't. But the computer is fast enough to adjust the ship's direction once we reach the thermal wave. I just need to write a flawless program for the computer to follow. TUVOK Your thermal wave is still thirty kilometers away and facing the opposite direction of Voyager. For your plan to work, the ship would have to be turned around and moved upwards. How do you propose we accomplish this feat? PARIS Well, I can't think of everything. Guess I'll leave that problem in your capable hands, Mr. Tuvok. TUVOK There may be a way... DOCTOR If your plan is even half as dangerous as Mr. Paris', I don't want to hear it. But if it means anything, good luck. TUVOK Thank you, Doctor, but I will need skill, not luck. DOCTOR If you will excuse me, I must proceed with my medical scans and report back to Sickbay. INT. ENGINEERING Seven of Nine ENTERS Engineering and begins to scan her crewmates. The scene is eerie and dark. INT. BRIDGE Tuvok works the Tactical computer. Paris finishes his work on another companel and moves closer to Tuvok. PARIS Tuvok, about my conduct earlier on the Bridge, I was... TUVOK (interrupting) ...out of line for a Star Fleet officer. Yes, I know. PARIS Look, I just don't know what got into me back there... TUVOK The strain of the situation would be great for most, Mr. Paris, you need not explain anymore. PARIS (surprised) Thank you, Tuvok. Can I ask you a question now? Do you still think something is behind all this? TUVOK (still working on companel) I find this hard to admit, but I believe there is a force working with us now, guiding us. This goes against all my mental training, for I have no logic to back up such a theory. PARIS (intrigued) You mean, you're going on a gut feeling rather than almighty Vulcan logic? Hearing that makes this whole mess almost worthwhile. TUVOK My theory is based on something different than a feeling, different than logic. I simply know there is an outside force at work here. I cannot explain how or why I know. Paris walks to position himself by the unconscious bodies of Janeway and Chakotay. PARIS Then why doesn't this force revive more of the crew? Having Janeway and Chakotay now could only benefit us, right? TUVOK Perhaps the force behind this is limited, unable to assist us any further. In its judgment we five may represent the best use of its finite power, given the current circumstances. PARIS Could this be some sort of test? Maybe we're under observation right now as some creature evaluates us under the worst possible conditions. TUVOK The Federation has been tested in the past by several species, but I believe that is not the purpose of this disaster. Again, I cannot explain... As Tuvok speaks, he suddenly sees something on the mainviewer. He walks past Paris and approaches it. PARIS Tuvok? INT. MAINVIEWER (OPTICAL) Paris joins Tuvok near the viewscreen. It still contains the simulation of Voyager pressed against the blast of solar energy. TUVOK Your simulation is exceptional, Mr. Paris, except for one flaw. PARIS And that flaw would be...? TUVOK You have the port side of Voyager in direct contact with the energy eruption. That is not the case or the hull would be compromised. Our shields are in direct contact with the energy, not the hull. PARIS That look in your eyes, Mr. Tuvok. You're on to something! TUVOK Indeed. Tuvok moves back to Tactical and begins furious calculations on the companel. Paris watches from a distance, trying to figure out what Tuvok is up to. INT. SICKBAY Ensign Kim works on a companel when the Doctor ENTERS. KIM Doctor. How are you? DOCTOR (with satire) Depends on which Doctor you're asking. The Doctor returns his scanner to a table. Although he does not want to, he looks at the Sickbay office. DOCTOR Ensign Kim! The alarming tone of the Doctor makes Kim jump from station and rush to his side. INT. SICKBAY OFFICE (OPTICAL) The image of the Doctor in the Sickbay office seems more deteriorated than before. Instead of just the hand dissolving, most of the chest area has dissipated as well. Both react to the sight. DOCTOR Why do I look worse than before? KIM Because approximately three seconds has passed since we first appeared on Voyager. You only have about three more seconds at normal time left before... well, you know. DOCTOR Before I cease to exist? This is not the news I was hoping to hear. KIM I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm trying, but I still can't find a way to protect your program once we shut you down. DOCTOR What about placing a level ten forcefield around Sickbay? That would certainly limit radiation leakage into my program. KIM All emergency power has been diverted to shields so there's no way to do that. At the most, I could muster up a level ten forcefield a few millimeters wide. That wouldn't help unless... (Kim looks at the arm of the Doctor and smiles) You're wearing your mobile emitter! DOCTOR I've been traversing every crawl space in Voyager, searching for crewmen to scan. You know I need my mobile emitter to gain access to most sections of the ship. KIM The mobile emitter! That's the key! The Doctor finally understands. DOCTOR If I were directly downloaded into the mobile emitter, you could erect the forcefield around it! KIM The emitter is just small enough to be protected with what little power there is to spare. DOCTOR Wonderful. When do we begin? KIM Begin? DOCTOR Yes, to download my program and erect the forcefield. I don't have much time left. KIM Time... that's a problem now... Kim moves back to the companel he was working on. DOCTOR What's the matter now? KIM The Doctor in the Sickbay office seems to exist in a realm of time I cannot control. Normal time has to resume for our plan to work, and if it did no one would be fast enough to download you and to erect a forcefield. DOCTOR Mr. Paris ran into a similar situation, so he is creating a computer program to take over navigation. KIM Interesting. We do have access to the computer for some reason. Perhaps I can write a program that would automatically protect you if normal time were to resume. DOCTOR And the computer is the answer to a dilemma I face, for if I'm taken off-line who would be left to treat the Voyager crew? I can download the scans that Seven and I made and instruct the computer on how to save each crewman. KIM Sounds like we've both got a lot of work to do. Kim and the Doctor begin to work on companels. INT. HALLWAY (OPTICAL) Seven of Nine finds another fallen crewman in a darkened hallway. She then hears a noise in the shadows and turns to face the invisible menace. SEVEN OF NINE Show yourself. A section of wall down the hall begins to PHASE out of place. Then, like a dam bursting, the phasing in the walls streak towards Seven of Nine. She drops her scanner and dashes away from the phenomenon. The entire hallway appears as though it's dissolving. Seven of Nine doubles over in pain. A beat later, the pain is gone and the hallway appears normal. SEVEN OF NINE (taps comm badge) Seven of Nine to Tuvok. TUVOK (COM VOICE) This is Tuvok. SEVEN OF NINE We have another problem. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. SICKBAY Seven of Nine lies on a bed while the Doctor performs tests on her. Tuvok, Kim and Paris stand nearby. TUVOK I have verified my findings with the ship's computers. Since our arrival on Voyager, there has been fifty occurrences of molecular instability. The last one encountered by Seven was the longest and most severe incident. KIM Seven, describe how you felt when you encountered the instability. SEVEN OF NINE (sits up in bed) I was frightened, as though my very existence was about to end. DOCTOR My scans reveal no indications of fear, Seven. Heart rate, blood pressure, all are normal. SEVEN OF NINE The feeling was real! DOCTOR I suppose my equipment may be faulty. At least you seem fully recovered now. SEVEN OF NINE Then I must report back to duty. DOCTOR You do seem to be in perfect health, but I need to verify one more scan. Tuvok, Kim and Paris huddle for a makeshift conference. In the background the Doctor checks a companel. PARIS Any theories on this instability? TUVOK It could mean our stay on Voyager is nearing an end. Normal time may begin at any moment. KIM We better finish with our work soon. TUVOK I concur. Mr. Paris, please accompany me to the Bridge. PARIS Let's go. The Doctor is by Seven of Nine, looking at a companel. In the background, Kim moves to another companel while Paris and Tuvok EXIT. DOCTOR (mumbles) Not another mystery... Seven gets out of bed to view the information. SEVEN OF NINE Am I ill, Doctor? DOCTOR Absolutely not, in fact you're in peak physical shape, exactly like you were six days ago when I last gave you a complete check-up. SEVEN OF NINE And this alarms you? DOCTOR I do not exaggerate when I say you're in the exact physical condition now as six days ago. It's medically incongruent that these separate scans would match so perfectly. SEVEN OF NINE Obviously, your equipment is malfunctioning. Excuse me Doctor, I have calculations to perform on the scans we gathered. Seven walks O. S., leaving the Doctor to ponder the new mystery by himself. INT. BRIDGE Tuvok and Paris stand near Tactical, looking at the viewscreen image created by Paris earlier. TUVOK As you know, we need to turn Voyager one-hundred and eighty degrees around, then move the vessel thirty kilometers to reach the safety of the thermal wave. PARIS And I also remember we have no engines to propel us. TUVOK But, we still have limited shields which we can use to move Voyager. PARIS Our shields can move Voyager? TUVOK Observe. INT. MAINVIEWER (OPTICAL) Tuvok adds shields to the computer image of Voyager on the mainviewer. TUVOK The normal shield pattern forms an even, protective cocoon around Voyager. But, what if I were to alter the shape of this cocoon? For example, if the shape of the port stern shield were more triangular and four times the length of the forward shields... The computer image of the shields change to demonstrate Tuvok's example. The new shape of the shields push Voyager away from the energy blast. PARIS Oh, that is good! Voyager is like a boat that's been wedged against a rock. You're using the shields like an oar, to push Voyager off the rock and spin us around. TUVOK Precisely. Once we are facing the proper direction, I can then alter the shape of the shields further to push us up and over to the thermal wave. PARIS Tuvok, how can you possibly alter the shields fast enough to reach the thermal wave? You'd have to move Voyager thirty kilometers in about two seconds. TUVOK I cannot, but the computer can. I must create a detailed program for the computer to follow, just as you must do. PARIS There are so many variables. If we miss just one... TUVOK (interrupting) Do not miss any, Mr. Paris. That is an order. PARIS Okay. Now that we settled that... Tuvok and Paris begin work on different companels. INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Seven examines data on a companel when the Doctor strides past. SEVEN OF NINE Doctor. I have created a new chemical mixture that can be released into the environmental controls. It will cure ninety-one percent of the crew. The Doctor reviews the work. DOCTOR Your so-called cure doesn't revive the other nine percent of the crew because it kills them. The Doctor manipulates the computer controls. SEVEN OF NINE You just deleted my work. DOCTOR Haven't we been through this? When you agreed to assist me, I made it clear that we must rescue ALL of the sick aboard Voyager. I will not allow you to save one crewman by sacrificing another. SEVEN OF NINE Saving ninety-one percent of the crew, under these circumstances... DOCTOR (interrupting) Is still not good enough! Thanks to our scans, I have developed treatments for everyone here. It's up to you to deliver the medication to everyone some way other than environmental controls. SEVEN OF NINE You ask for too much. DOCTOR And that will be the excuse you give to the friends and family of the nine percent you failed to save? There must be another way. Think, Seven. What other system on Voyager could we use besides environmental controls? Seven begins working on a companel furiously. SEVEN OF NINE The transporters are still functional. Yes... it can work. DOCTOR The transporters? You mean to beam the treatments directly into the bodies of the crew? Has this been done before? SEVEN OF NINE Normally, such a procedure would fail, but we know the location of every person aboard Voyager. If I wrote a program, matching your treatments with the coordinates of the crew, the computer could do the rest. Before their eyes, the companel begins to PHASE out of existence. A beat later before they can react, the companel appears normal. DOCTOR I suggest you write your program fast. SEVEN OF NINE That is... your best advice of the day, Doctor. INT. BRIDGE Paris is finished working on his companel. He approaches Tuvok to speak. PARIS I'm done. TUVOK Are you certain? PARIS (nodding) I'm certain. Do you need a hand? TUVOK That will not be necessary. My task is nearly complete. PARIS Then I'll check on the others to see if they need my help. TUVOK Very well. Paris heads for the Turbolift. INT. TURBOLIFT (OPTICAL) Paris ENTERS the Turbolift. PARIS Sickbay. The computer beeps its acknowledgement of the command. As the Turbolift moves, the roof begins to PHASE. The phenomenon creeps down the walls, unbeknownst to Paris at first. When Paris senses what is going on, the phasing has nearly surrounded him. Paris reaches for the control pad but it warps as well. Even the floor near his feet begins to phase. PARIS Computer, emergency stop. Open Turbolift doors! The Turbolift comes to a halt and the doors open. INT. HALLWAY Paris leaps out of the Turbolift and rolls into the hallway. When he looks up, the Turbolift is normal. Paris taps his comm badge. PARIS Tuvok, this is Paris. INT. BRIDGE Tuvok is working at Tactical when he hears the hail. He taps his comm badge to answer. TUVOK Report, Mr. Paris. PARIS (COM VOICE) Something weird just happened in the Turbolift. You better keep your eyes open, it started near the Bridge. Tuvok turns his head as if he heard a noise. TUVOK Acknowledged. Tuvok out. Tuvok moves to where Janeway and Chakotay lay. Their bodies are PHASING in and out of existence. Tuvok kneels to closer examine the warping and is dramatically overtaken by pain. Tuvok puts his hand in front of his face to see that it too is DISSOLVING. A beat later, the phasing has stopped. Tuvok rises to his feet and looks at his hand again. It is solid. He again looks at the body of Janeway. TUVOK Of course. (touches his comm badge) This is Tuvok. I need everyone to report to the Bridge immediately. INT. BRIDGE Seven of Nine, the Doctor, Paris and Kim walk out of the Turbolift and ENTER the Bridge. Tuvok is near the Captains chair. TUVOK I have the answers we seek. KIM You mean, you've actually solved this mystery? TUVOK At first, I could not. Logic abandoned us the moment we arrived from the Delta Flyer. There were inconsistencies here that defied all rules of nature. Then I recalled an ancient Vulcan saying, stated that if the foundation of an event was not based in logic, the event could not exist. The crew reacts. PARIS What are you saying? Because none of this is logical we don't exist? TUVOK It is the only explanation. You, me, this ship. None of it is real. Off crew's reaction. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: INT. BRIDGE Tuvok has just announced his shocking revelation. PARIS Tuvok, you claim we're not real. Then what is this? What are we? TUVOK Mr. Kim, will you please check the status of the ships' holodecks. Kim moves to his companel and accesses the data. KIM Someone is running a program on Holodeck Two, but the emitters are being corrupted by radiation and are about to shut down... (suddenly realizes the truth after a pause) I understand! WE'RE the program running on Holodeck Two, and the phasing we've encountered is due to radiation deterioration, isn't it? TUVOK When my hand dissolved a moment ago, it reminded me of the Doctor's hand dissipating in Sickbay. I realized then that I too was a hologram, facing extinction much like the true Doctor is on the real Voyager. The radiation has nearly destroyed our program. We will shut down in approximately one-tenth of a second. KIM It would take me days to design a simulation this complex, yet the computer says that all this was created and running for only five point one seconds. TUVOK It would take the real Harry Kim days to create this, but not the main computer on Voyager. It processes billions of information bits in a nanosecond. DOCTOR I see. The Captain ordered Voyager to be saved by any means necessary. The computer, detecting the entire crew was incapacitated, decided it had to intervene immediately. PARIS Let me get this straight. The computer takes control over the entire ship and in a crisis it decides to take a vacation in Holodeck Two? TUVOK The computer could not comprehend how to execute Captain Janeway's command. It needed more guidance yet the crew was unable to help it. Tuvok walks up to each crewman he names. TUVOK (continuing) It needed the medical abilities of the Doctor, the unorthodox navigational talent of Tom Paris, the holographic expertise of Harry Kim, the knowledge of all ship systems that Seven possesses and the tactical skills of Tuvok. SEVEN OF NINE With the crew either unconscious or not on board, the computer did the next best thing — it created images of those it needed the most. TUVOK Using every bit of data from personal logs to medical records, the computer constructed us, set up this holographic Voyager based on real circumstances and let us think up the ideas it could not devise on its own. But the radiation created errors. PARIS Yes. Like when the computer accidentally put my logs of the surfing trip on Tedus-Torn Prime in the hologram of Tuvok. DOCTOR (to Seven of Nine) And that's why your medical scans were the same as six days ago. The computer based you solely on those medical records. TUVOK The computer taxed itself to its limits, having no extra memory available for other crewmates. We were its only hope. DOCTOR Wait, am I not already a hologram? Paris slaps the Doctor's back lightly. PARIS Correction, Doc. You are a hologram of a hologram. DOCTOR Can my existence be anymore complex? SEVEN OF NINE Time has never slowed down then. It's been proceeding normally but our perception of time is vastly different inside the main computer. TUVOK Correct, although time is almost at an end for us. SEVEN OF NINE We must complete our mission and rescue Voyager before time expires. We are... subroutines in the computer matrix. Our completed assignments must be set in motion immediately. The five line up in order. KIM Let's do it. Computer. (the computer beeps) Initiate Kim Program One: transfer of the Emergency Medical Hologram to the mobile emitter with level ten forcefield protection. TUVOK Computer. (the computer beeps) Initiate Tuvok Program One: shield modifications to guide Voyager to the thermal wave. PARIS Computer. (the computer beeps) Initiate Paris Program One: thruster adjustments to ride Voyager along the thermal wave. DOCTOR Computer. (the computer beeps) Initiate EMH Program One: medical scanning and radiation treatment for ships' crew. SEVEN OF NINE Computer. (the computer beeps) Initiate Seven of Nine Program One: direct beaming of medication into the Voyager crew. TUVOK Computer, enable Voyager Rescue Hologram Program. Priority Alpha. Begin... now. A brilliant white FLASH fills the Bridge as the scene dissolves. INT. BRIDGE - REAL VOYAGER As before, most of the crew is off their feet as the Bridge continues to SHAKE. Janeway, on her knees, uses all her strength to hold on to the Helm controls. CHAKOTAY Emergency power... to shields... Chakotay drops out of his chair and doubles over in pain. Other crewmen are suffering as well. COMPUTER Warning. Lethal radiation levels in twenty-five seconds. JANEWAY Computer, autopilot mode! COMPUTER Warp and impulse engines are offline. Warning. Lethal radiation levels in twenty seconds. Janeway taps her comm badge and collapses in agony. JANEWAY Janeway to anyone aboard Voyager. Save this ship by any means Necessary... that's... an order... The Bridge crew falls into unconsciousness. COMPUTER Working. The ship continues to SHAKE violently but the crew does not move. Five point two seconds pass. COMPUTER Command acknowledged. Initiating Voyager Rescue Hologram Program, Priority Alpha. INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) The Doctor's office SHAKES repeatedly, forcing the Doctor to put down a bioculture on a table. He looks at his arm in horror as it and his chest area begins to disappear. Suddenly he is redirected to the mobile emitter and a tiny level ten forcefield surrounds it. EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) Voyager is pressed against the energy surge on its port side when the shields change shape and size, bouncing the vessel around and up some distance to the beginning of a thermal wave. EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL) Voyager rides on top of the thermal wave for a few seconds with the thrusters helping to keep the ship balanced. Voyager spins away to safety. EXT. SPACE - ENERGY SURGE (OPTICAL) The huge energy blast continues to travel through space without Voyager. INT. SICKBAY Various Sickbay computers turn on by themselves as the computer accesses crew information. INT. MESS HALL (OPTICAL) The ship has ceased shaking, although everyone appears unconscious or in agony. The sound of medicine MATERIALIZING into the crew is heard, then the suffering ends. Neelix breathes deeply and staggers to his feet. INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Bridge has stopped shaking but the crew continues dying. The sound of medicine MATERIALIZING into the crew can be heard, then the suffering ends. Chakotay rises and assists Janeway up. COMPUTER (the computer beeps) Voyager Rescue Hologram Program complete. TORRES (COM VOICE) Delta Flyer to Voyager. Please respond! JANEWAY (takes a breath) Go ahead. INT. MAINVIEWER (OPTICAL) The image of Torres on the Delta Flyer appears on the viewscreen. TORRES You're alive?! We thought you were destroyed for sure. How did you escape? JANEWAY B'Elanna, I have no idea... INT. MESS HALL Paris, Seven of Nine, Chakotay, Tuvok and Janeway are seated at a table. They are then joined by the Doctor (wearing the mobile emitter) and Torres. CHAKOTAY How goes the repairs, Lieutenant? TORRES Impulse engines are fully functional. Warp drive will be on-line in thirty hours. JANEWAY And you, Doctor? I understand we came within seconds of losing you forever. DOCTOR My program has repaired the damage done by the radiation. I'm back to my old self. Janeway signals for the two to sit and join them. JANEWAY I still can't understand how the computer steered us through the solar blast without engines. DOCTOR Or how it decided to rescue me and developed the strategy to beam radiation therapy directly into your bodies. Kim enters the Mess Hall and walks to the group. In his hand he holds several PADDS. JANEWAY I had Mr. Kim run a complete diagnostic on the computer. Perhaps he has some answers. Kim stands next to Janeway and hands her a PADD. KIM This is amazing, Captain. Janeway examines the PADD. She is surprised. JANEWAY (handing PADD to Chakotay) The last thing I did before blacking out was to order the ship to saved by any means necessary. The computer, it seems, activated a Holodeck for five point two seconds right after my command. CHAKOTAY (examines PADD) Whatever it learned in those few seconds, it was enough to save us. Mr. Kim, were you able to retrieve this program? KIM No sir. It was badly damaged by radiation and collapsed a nanosecond later. I was only able to recover fragments of data. JANEWAY Did you learn anything from the fragments? KIM (hands a new PADD to Janeway) Only that Tuvok is quite a surfer. TORRES (to Tuvok) Don't tell me you surf? That sounds like something Tom would be good at. TUVOK I was unaware that I possessed any surfing prowess, but given my physical conditioning and mental alertness I assume I would excel at the sport. PARIS Oh really? Meet me at Holodeck One at nineteen hundred hours and we'll see about that. JANEWAY (examines the second PADD) Odd. There are bits of information on Tom, Tuvok, Harry, the Doctor and Seven, as if the computer used them as models in a holographic program. CHAKOTAY I feel somehow obligated to the computer for rescuing us, but how do you express thanks to a computer? JANEWAY How about this: computer. (the computer beeps) I hereby nominate you for the Star Fleet medal of bravery. What do you think about that? The computer makes a razzing noise. COMPUTER That statement does not compute. CHAKOTAY (to Janeway) At least you tried. Neelix comes to the group with a tray full of drinks. Once close enough, he hands each person a glass. NEELIX I couldn't help but overhear you, Captain, so I opened a bottle of Talaxian rose champagne. I've been saving it for a special occasion. TORRES You're proposing a toast? NEELIX Certainly, for I understand what has transpired here. You see, we interact with the computer everyday and fill it with our knowledge, ideas and passions. In times of trouble we turn to it, so it's little wonder that the computer turned to us when it faced a crisis. In a way, we are the computer and the computer is us. JANEWAY I'll certainly drink to that. Janeway raises her glass, followed by the others. JANEWAY To the computer. The crew drinks to the computer. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END
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